Sunday, November 30, 2008

Motivation Fail

I realize it's been a month since I last updated. Trust me, I feel pretty guilty about it. It's not that I haven't been running, I have (occasionally), I just cant find the time for blogging. The little time I do make for exercise is just for that, exercise.

In the last month I've run 4 times. That's about 10 times too few, if you ask me. I'm beginning to lose my fitness level at the rate I'm going. Today I wheezed through a mile and wanted to quit. Ugh.

Maybe a training plan will help me keep my motivation? I'm not sure, but I do know I don't want to end up on the bad side of "use it or lose it".

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My first 5k!

Well, today was my first official race. I was mostly concentrating on finishing (and not being last), but I think I did ok. My gun time was 39:21.something, but chip time was 39:10.05. Considering my previous 3 milers ended up being about 45:00, even without walking, I did alright.

Aside from the race, I haven't run in about a week and a half. I got a job, which is both awesome and a roadblock at the same time. I've been eating crap all week, and I haven't had the energy to exercise. Maybe the crap food is causing the lack of energy? Tomorrow is grocery day so I hope to pick up some tasty/healthy things for office lunches and snacks (so I'm not tempted to visit the too-convenient vending machines).

Here's the 5k. I forgot to stop it at the finish so it's a minute and something off.