Sunday's run was interesting, to say the least. I was in Bourne, TX visiting my college roommate's family. Aside from getting a crappy night's sleep and the cold (it felt at least 50*, maybe colder), it was HILLY.
I'd never done hills before. They kicked my ass.
I did a loop that was a little under 3 miles, and ended up walking a mile of it (including warm up/cool down). The really steep hills were walked because I didn't want to accidentally pull a muscle or (more likely) trip and fall. I stopped a couple of times to take some pictures because it was absolutely beautiful. During the entire hour or so I was out there I only had maybe 4 cars pass me, and saw far more deer. The pics are a little dark, but hey, it was early still.
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Fast forward to this morning. I've been sick for the last couple of days. Not an awful kind of sick, it's just a mild cold. I got myself up early this morning not knowing if I would be ready to run after 3 days of congestion, but I tried. My hamstrings and shins are still sore from the hills and I'm still stupidly tired. I didn't get very far. I have about 10 days until the 5k and want to get in a 4 miler before that. Hopefully I can knock that out on Friday or Saturday, depending on how I feel.