Friday, October 17, 2008

Postponed long run

*long sigh*

My 4 miles on Tuesday didn't turn out so hot. It was pretty much a non-run. My hip just wasn't letting me run. It was tight or sore or something and caused me to limp along for about a quarter of a mile before I decided to postpone. Maybe I ran on it funny on Saturday? I'm not sure.

I let my hip rest until today when I did a mile and a half. That didn't go so well either and I ended up walking when I shouldn't have. My stomach cramped up pretty wickedly, and I got one hell of a stitch that made me quit altogether. Maybe it was because all I ate before running was a little cheese. I'm not used to the cooler weather, either.

Bleh. It doesn't matter because I'm redoing last week. Today was 2 miles (more or less), Sunday will be 3, and Wednesday or so will be 4.

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