Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Couch to 5k: W2D2

I *almost* didn't run this morning. My alarm went off at 7 but there was no way I was going to get up. Fast forward to about 8:30. I realized what time it was, then rushed out the door so I could be done before it got really hot. It was pretty icky outside, but that's what I get for oversleeping.

Other than that, today was my first legit day of week 2 since I didn't have my podcast last time and had to estimate my times. I thought I was supposed to rest for 3 minutes, not 2, so I was pretty far off. Oh well, I did it right today. It wasn't too bad until about halfway through when I started huffing and puffing, but I got through it. I'm always so proud of myself when I finish a run, and today's no exception. I couldn't have done what I did today three weeks ago, I'll bet. Or, I could have, but would have been too sore to run again for like a week.

My ankles have been aching alot lately, I'm pretty sure it's because of my shoes. For some reason they keep wanting to point inwards when I'm running (pidgin toed). It's not like I walk like that usually, so I think it's the shoes either giving too much or too little support, not sure which. Last night I mentioned to my mom that I need new running shoes and she didn't immediately balk, so I think new duds could be in my near future. Maybe they'll help with the (slowly diminishing) shin pains I have.

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