Thursday, July 31, 2008

Couch to 5k: W3D2

Ugh, well, my Nike+ Sportband crapped out on me. On Tuesday evening I had begun to notice that the LCD on the band was kind of "bleeding" in the screen. Liquid crystals were all over inside. I went to take it back yesterday and realized I had forgotten the shoe sensor at home. Fortunately, I had read somewhere that more than one sensor could be linked to a sportband, so I just swapped the band out at The Texas Running Company.

I took it home, plugged it into my computer and everything seemed to be working as expected... until I tried to link it with my sensor this morning. I spent about an hour trying to get it to work, turning on and off he sensor, resetting the new band, and a few other things I found on the internets and nothing's worked. Guess I'll have to take it back to the store and have them try it.

So, of course I had to run without the band telling me my time and milage, bleh. I'm hoping I'll be able to catch up to my 100 miles in 12 weeks goal, a two mile run/walk isn't really a big deal in the long run (I'm so punny).

I rode my (dad's) bike to the track so I could still get real-time feedback on my milage and an estimate on pace. While I was there, a bunch of middle schoolers came and ran with a coach. It was pretty amusing, they would speed up when they'd get close and "beat" me. But, I'm not immune to the competition bug, so of course I ran a little faster. Bad news, I was having a rough time toward the end of both of my 3-minute runs. Hah, next time I won't let some 12-year-olds challange me.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Couch to 5k: W3D1

Just finished up my first run of week 3. It's so awesome to see my progress over the last weeks. Today I did two cycles of [run 90sec, walk 90sec, run 3min, walk 2min], and I know for a fact I couldn't have done that successfully a month ago. The last 3 minute run was the most difficult, of course, but I managed the whole thing, and even went a little longer to pass a guy on a lawn mower who had stopped so he wouldn't shoot grass all over me.

Also, Nike+ says I went 2.3 miles, but MapMyRun says it was 2.08. I still need to calibrate, but that's not going to be easy until I can run for longer than 3 minutes at a time. Looking at the plan, week 5 looks like a good time to do it, especially the third day. That's the first time there's no walking interrupting the run.

I also got a couple of running books at the library yesterday, Runner's World Complete Book of Running and Marathon and Half Marathon: The Beginner's Guide. I'm trying to wait until I finish school on August 9th to begin reading them, but my willpower is pretty weak when it comes to books. I've already started the first one.

Oh, and I have a new goal there in the left column. 100 miles in 12 weeks. Nike says I'm ".9 miles behind schedule" (even with the wonky distance measurement), but I'm sure I'll make that up as I begin to run for longer periods. I love goals, and this one "sounds" big enough to feel like an accomplishment when I finish it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Couch to 5k: W2D3 (redux)

Yesterday I ran my last official day of week 2, huzzah! What's even better is that on Friday I got new running shoes AND the Nike+ Sportband I've been wanting.

My new Nikes feel so much better than my old New Balance 854s. They're super squishy, which is especially good because I run on concrete alot around my neighborhood. They also breathe much better, and are lighter and more flexible. My ankle pains are gone, but replaced by shin soreness, bleh.

I also ran with my new Nike+ Sportband yesterday. It was interesting to get realtime feedback on my pace, distance, time, etc. It's a little distracting being able to check my stats, but I think I'll get used to it. Also, the internets tell me that I should calibrate it by running > .25 mile, and then walking > .25 miles. My run/walk yesterday was 2.9 miles according to Nike+, and 2.65 miles according to MapMyRun, so it's pretty far off. My main worry with calibration is that you can't mix walking and running. If you go running specifically to calibrate, you can't walk, too. Maybe I can run a lap at the track, pause the workout on the band, walk a lap, then start recording again and run another lap to be sure I have a session of just running. I'm pretty sure it'll take some trial and error to get it right.

Friday, July 25, 2008

My first bike ride in years

I took my dad's bike around the neighborhood this morning in an effort to cross train some. I seriously hadn't ridden a bicycle in several years, so it started a little shaky. And it didn't help that I couldn't figure out his Delphi cycle computer and had to ride with all of his presets, including the time of his last ride (several months ago). I'll definitely be looking over the manual before I go again.

One thing I had forgotten about bicycle riding is how much it hurts my butt. The internets tell me I'll "get used to it". Hah, we'll see.

It was alot of fun, though. Especially for those days like today when I'm taking a rest from running.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Couch to 5k: W2D3

It was pretty icky outside today so I decided to stay in and test the treadmill again. It went pretty well, my ankles didn't hurt as much as they have been, but I think that could be because I warmed them up first.

I'm going to redo a day of week 2 since my day 1 was a copout and I'm trying to stick to the schedule as closely as possible. I'm perpetually worried about doing too much too soon, the threat of injury makes me ok with taking it slow.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Couch to 5k: W2D2

I *almost* didn't run this morning. My alarm went off at 7 but there was no way I was going to get up. Fast forward to about 8:30. I realized what time it was, then rushed out the door so I could be done before it got really hot. It was pretty icky outside, but that's what I get for oversleeping.

Other than that, today was my first legit day of week 2 since I didn't have my podcast last time and had to estimate my times. I thought I was supposed to rest for 3 minutes, not 2, so I was pretty far off. Oh well, I did it right today. It wasn't too bad until about halfway through when I started huffing and puffing, but I got through it. I'm always so proud of myself when I finish a run, and today's no exception. I couldn't have done what I did today three weeks ago, I'll bet. Or, I could have, but would have been too sore to run again for like a week.

My ankles have been aching alot lately, I'm pretty sure it's because of my shoes. For some reason they keep wanting to point inwards when I'm running (pidgin toed). It's not like I walk like that usually, so I think it's the shoes either giving too much or too little support, not sure which. Last night I mentioned to my mom that I need new running shoes and she didn't immediately balk, so I think new duds could be in my near future. Maybe they'll help with the (slowly diminishing) shin pains I have.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Couch to 5k: W2D1

Well, you might say I slacked some over the last couple of days. I prefer to think of it as giving my ankles and knees some rest time since I ran on them funny on Wednesday. Something about the treadmill made me sore as hell. I'm not sure what, it's not like it was too difficult of a run for me to do.

I don't know, either way I went out to the track this morning. Unfortunately, I forgot to sync my iPhone to get the next podcast in the series I'm listening to and had to estimate 90 seconds and 2 minutes. I think I was off by alot, so I may do an extra day of week 2. We'll see how I'm doing next weekend.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Couch to 5k: W1D3

Today was the last day of week 1 and it went really smoothly. I felt like I could have jogged longer, which I think is a really good sign for next week. After my run/walk I did some yoga, more humbling proof that I'm out of shape.

I've got a sunburn I'm nursing for the time being from this past weekend, so no running outside for me. It's amazing how different running on a treadmill vs. outside are. I feel so cooped up inside and the treadmill seems so much more difficult and less rewarding than jogging outside. Too many buttons to press and numbers to read for me. Well, as soon as my red shoulders heal I'm going to try the track at the local high school (my alma mater). I have some pretty unpleasant memories of running (or trying to) during gym class in 90 degree heat. The track felt like it was forever long. Here's hoping it won't be too bad once I actually get there in a week or two.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Couch to 5k: Week 1, Rest Day

Hello all you people out there in the blogosphere.

I've started this blog as a place to put my accomplishments, goals, and maybe even failures in my new hobby, running. I'll be writing about my runs, fitness related gadgets, and anything else I may want to put in writing and have immortalized on the internet.

In the short run, this blog will be about me pursuing the Couch to 5k program. I'm super new to running so I'm sure I'll probably complain about the occasional joint pain or shin splint. Over the long term, my goal is to run the 2010 Houston Marathon. It'll be a gift to myself, the marathon is the day after my 25th birthday (or should be, anyway).

Well, that's all I have for now. Later!