Thursday, September 4, 2008

Couch to 5k: W7D3

Well, today was the first day I counted miles instead of minutes and boy, it was rough. Usually I can go about a mile before the thought of walking crosses my mind, but today was just miserable. I only got about half a mile before I started to feel it, but managed to push through to 2 full miles. I did stop for a few seconds (maybe 20?) for a stop light twice, though.

I accidentally went a little too fast during a portion of the run, I think that's where I went wrong. Another runner caught up with me at a street light and I subconsciously ran a little faster than I should have. I need to pay more attention to that, it'll be bad news at a race one of these days.

I had a distance and one mile PR today, so that's something. I'll be redoing the same run on Saturday since week 8 is 28 minutes. It took me 30 minutes to go 2 miles, so I figure I shouldn't increase my mileage for another week or so. I don't want to overdo it when I'm making such awesome progress.

(Edit) Oh, and today was the first day it actually felt like it could be fall next month! There was even a cool breeze! I'll be glad when it finally gets cool enough for me to run in the late afternoon before I make dinner for the family.

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