Monday, September 29, 2008

Finally calibrated!

Saturday morning I finally got to calibrate my Nike+ without using the treadmill. I did an even 2 miles that weren't even really that difficult. It was cool and almost autumney outside, prime weather for a run. I stopped for a few seconds twice, first to get rid of a rock in my shoe, and then for the stop light I have to pass. I picked up the pace for the last 200 yards so I wouldn't cop out early, it was pretty fun. Here's that run:

I calibrated that down to 2 miles, not thinking it would really work, but lo and behold, it does! I did today's run on the treadmill because of the heat and they numbers were virtually identical, huzzah! I guess calibrating it is 40% skill at keeping a steady pace, and 60% luck.

As for the run itself, it went pretty well. Once or twice I wanted to stop, but not out of fatigue, it was because I was just feeling lazy. So I kept going and finished strong. This is today's run:

Over the weekend I told a few family members that I'm planning on running the 2010 Houston Marathon and they said they'd be there to cheer. I'm making an effort to continue to be held accountable to running, and telling as many people as possible makes it less likely I'll fail.

Oh, yesterday I got a new running hat! I've wanted one for a little while now because my hair constantly gets in my face and I hate the feeling of sweat dripping, so I got a grey Nike dry-fit hat. And while I was at the running store I picked up a couple of fliers for the Monster Mash Road and Trail 5/10k (warning, annoying webpage music). It'll be held pretty close to my house on November 1st, which gives me plenty of time to work on a respectable 5k time. Maybe even sub-30:00!

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