Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Couch to 5k: W7D2

I love those totally awesome runs that make me want go right back out and go again.

Morning runs are great; the sun shines, I feel productive, it's a little cooler, but there's something to be said for evening runs. It's quieter and I have a chance to eat better before going out.

*sigh* If only I was nocturnal I'd have the best of both times of day.

Well, tonight I went for 25 minutes, or 1.75 miles. It seems I'm behind on distances for week 7, I should be up to 2.5 miles. I guess I'm just really really slow? I think it's time for me to start concentrating on miles instead of times, which means I'll have to deviate from the plan some to catch up. I'll try for a full 2 miles next time, measured out beforehand instead of watching my Nike+ sportband.

I still haven't calibrated it, I'm waiting for it to recognize one of my runs as "calibration ready". I'm not sure why it hasn't worked yet, I haven't walked the past couple of times, and when I do I always pause the band before stopping. Maybe it's time to just use the treadmill. I've read they're not awesome to use for calibrating because they're not very accurate, but it has to be better than being about 13% wrong every time.

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