Sunday, September 7, 2008

Couch to 5k: W8D1

Wooo, today went pretty well. Not awesome, but I wasn't dying.

I took my dad to the track with me. It's different to run with someone, even though we didn't really run together. He worked on W1D1 while I did my 2 miles.

I've realized that I really don't like running on the track. I feel like I'm not going anywhere. It's loads easier for me to say "ok, just gotta get to that intersection" than "ok, 2 more laps" because a lap feels like forever.

During my last lap I really pushed and gave it everything I had in terms of speed. I'm generally a slow jogger so it really wasn't all that fast, but it was certainly faster than I had ever gone for any length of time. It seemed like during that time my sportband's distance "caught up" with my actual distance, and I ended up with a more accurate finishing distance. On Thursday it said I had gone 2.35 miles when my actual was exactly 2. This time Nike+ said I did 2.05 when I was closer to 1.9.

Maybe on my in between days I'll start doing a mile at a faster pace until the end of the program. I haven't sat down and actually written out a running plan for after c25k, but I know I'll have to include intervals or fartliks (*snicker*) to improve my endurance.

Anyway, here's my run:

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