Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nike+ Human Race 10k

I did it! I finished 6.3 miles and it didn't kill me!

The whole first mile I walked because I was trying to pace myself. I didn't want to start jogging too soon and end up not being able to finish or something. At the one mile mark I started jogging. I kept a 14:25 pace going on the treadmill for 8-10 minutes, then walked for 2-3. And that was pretty much how I finished it. I kept that up for a total time of 1:28:03, or 13:57 per mile. It's not a fantastic time, or hell, even a good time, but it's the best time I could do on my first race. I'm proud of myself for making it through it (without dying or wanting to saw off my legs) at an even better time than what I had set out to do (1:40:00).

Afterwards I sat in a cool bath instead of icing my legs down with my trusty bag of peas, and I feel like that made a difference in how my legs have reacted. I know I'll be sore, but hopefully not that horrible. Here's hoping I can get back on the c25k saddle on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Now I just need to sign up for a real 5k. :D

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