Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Couch to 5k: W4D2

Today was... ok. Just ok. I tried a different c25k podcast(Podrunner Intervals) than the one I've been listening to and while the music was ALOT better, it didn't feel as personal as my usual. Podrunner also didn't tell me when I was half done so I could turn around, or tell me when my final runs were almost over. Guess I'll be sticking to my usual podcast until week 6 or so when I can just start setting a timer on my phone and listen to my own music.

I may have to redo a day or two in week 4, I had to stop again for a few seconds today. And week 5 looks daunting enough to make sure I'm totally prepared for it. In another 4 running days I'm supposed to jog for 20 minutes straight? Yikes.

My right shin also hurt alot after this morning. I iced it down with my bag of peas and it seems to be ok, but I might have to take an extra rest day. Bleh. At this rate, I'll barely be able to eke out 2.5 miles at the Human Race in a few weeks.

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