Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Couch to 5k: W5D3


I went 20 minutes without stopping! Well, ok. That's a lie, I stopped for < 10 seconds while waiting for a stoplight.

I used my playlist to break up the run into 4 manageable segments, so I knew where I was in the run. During the first segment ("Heart of a Champion"--Nelly) I kept telling myself that if at the halfway point I was dying, then I could stop and walk for a minute. But, halfway came and went ("That's Not My Name"--The Ting Tings) and I was still going, and even feeling pretty good. During the third song ("B.O.B."--Outcast), I was beginning to think that I could actually finish it. After that, it was just a matter of knowing it was almost over for me to keep moving through the last song ("'Till I Collapse"--Eminem (a great ending song, btw)).

I'm pretty sure I didn't go 2 full miles, there was no way I was running at a 10:00 pace. Nike+ said it was around 11:30 or so, but I still haven't calibrated, so I think it's closer to 12:00/mile. Oh well. I ran for 20 minutes straight!

This is a huge milestone for me. Up till now I've been dependent on the C25k program to guide me, but I'm seeing the end of it and the beginning of the "real" training that will make me a runner.

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