Saturday, August 2, 2008

Couch to 5k: W3D3

Best run evar!

I was a little wary of today's run, my dad and I went for a long walk (~3mi) with the dog last night and my shins weren't too keen on it. They were a bit sore today so I was considering taking another day off, even though it had been two days since I last ran. I talked myself into running, and I'm sooo glad I did. It was pretty much the best run ever.

Maybe it was because I ate dinner about half an hour before I went, or maybe it was because I focused on my breathing and posture and didn't have to worry about 12-year-old boys outrunning me. Whatever it was I didn't have to work too hard at running, and it felt like the most natural thing to be doing right then. When I finished my last jog (3 min), I was still ready for more. No labored breathing, not much soreness (though the shins are still aching a bit), it was awesome.

I had pasta and veggies for dinner, I think those carbs contributed to it. I may make up a big batch of pasta for breakfast later this week to test my theory.

After my last run, I had my doubts about progressing to week 4, but I'm confident now I can get through it. I'm so ready for it.

OH! Also, I signed up for the Nike+ Human Race 10k on August 31. I wont be done with C25k by then, but since I'm "racing" on my own with my Nike+ Sportband I have a full 24 hours to finish it. Running every other day, I'll be about finished with week 8 by then, and will be at almost 3 miles. 10 kilometers is approximately 6 miles, and I can just tack on a mile and a half to each end of my run. I'm excited about it, I'm going to get an official race day Nike shirt with my bib number next week with my grad moneys.

I *may* even run with my local running store. I was invited when I got my new shoes last week but I shyed away from it. I've never run with other people, and I'm worried I'll suck at it. Well, I'll go back for some new running clothes this month and try to get a feel for the fitness level there. Well, I have time to think about it.

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