Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nike+ Human Race 10k

I did it! I finished 6.3 miles and it didn't kill me!

The whole first mile I walked because I was trying to pace myself. I didn't want to start jogging too soon and end up not being able to finish or something. At the one mile mark I started jogging. I kept a 14:25 pace going on the treadmill for 8-10 minutes, then walked for 2-3. And that was pretty much how I finished it. I kept that up for a total time of 1:28:03, or 13:57 per mile. It's not a fantastic time, or hell, even a good time, but it's the best time I could do on my first race. I'm proud of myself for making it through it (without dying or wanting to saw off my legs) at an even better time than what I had set out to do (1:40:00).

Afterwards I sat in a cool bath instead of icing my legs down with my trusty bag of peas, and I feel like that made a difference in how my legs have reacted. I know I'll be sore, but hopefully not that horrible. Here's hoping I can get back on the c25k saddle on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Now I just need to sign up for a real 5k. :D

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Couch to 5k: W7D1

*long sigh*

I'm so disappointed I copped out again. First, I had to walk at about 12:00 for a minute, then again at 17:00, and stopped altogether at 22:00. I don't know why, I feel like my progress took a step backward today. Maybe I didn't beat the sun enough, I was a little late getting out the door today.

Oh, wait. I know what the problem is, I had a peach before I went out instead of my usual Clif Mojo bar. Fewer carbs and less protein, I'll bet that's why my run was so miserable.

Ok, well at least I can fix the problem now. On Sunday (the 10k) I'll make a real breakfast since I don't have to worry about getting out of the house at a certain time, so that should be an improvement. I'll have plenty of time to chill out and let my stomach settle before jogging, too.

I think what I'll do is break my jogging up into 10 minute segments with 5 minutes of walking during the 10k, then add a buffer of about a mile of walking to either end. Total, I figure I'll do about 3 miles of jogging. I think that's optimistic, but doable. We'll see how it goes.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Couch to 5k: W6D3

Huzzah, I did it! I ran for 25 minutes today! I went so slow I probably could have walked at the same pace, but w/e. I was a little apprehensive after my last bad run and wasn't sure if I should have redone it, but I felt mostly ready for day 3. After all, I did 20 minutes last week sucessfully.

I got through it, only stopping once for about a minute at halfway to stretch. That's even with weaving between cars, parents, and strollers in front of the elementary school. I think I'll be going my other route on Wednesday, all those cars make me nervous someone's not going to see me.

It didn't occur to me on Saturday, but that was my last interval run. Today began the first of my "pure" runs, and the beginning of my "real" training. Not that the previous weeks haven't been real, but I don't have to think about exact timing to the second anymore. I don't have to worry about making a specially timed playlist. I can just focus on my music and putting one foot in front of the other. I'm amazed by my progress over the last two months and I'm anxious to see even more improvement as I start to count miles instead of seconds.

Also, I've decided to use the treadmill for the Nike+ 10k. It's always been sooo much easier for me to run on a treadmill than outside, and I can use that to my advantage. I'll do week 7 day 1 on Wednesday and then rest until Sunday. Considering I'll be walking most of it I think that'll be enough down time. Then I'll do day 2 on next Wednesday or so. Oh, and there's a local 5k on 9/20 that I think I'll sign up for. It'll be like 5 days after my last c25k run, which I think will give me enough rest time that maybe I'll finish at a respectable time. Likely not sub-30:00, but maybe 35:00.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Couch to 5k: W6D2

Today was mediocre at best. I didn't get enough sleep last night because my alarm was still set for stupidly early from yesterday, but I still thought I would do alright, since my 20 minute run last week went so well. I rode my bike over to the track and started jogging. Within about 5 minutes I knew I was going to have trouble. I was huffing and puffing even before the halfway mark, and no matter how much I slowed my pace I was still having problems. I made it through the first 10 minute run, ended up taking 5 minutes to walk instead of 3, and tried to get through the second part. I ended up having to stop with about a minute left.

I feel like a copout. I'm still exhausted and will probably take a nap after I shower.

The Nike+ Human Race 10k is in one week from tomorrow, and there's no way I'm going to be able to jog more than like 2.5 miles. Maybe if I split that and do intervals instead of the full run that I'm supposed to be doing that day I'll be able to go further. And the route I'm taking will bring me by my house at the halfway mark so I can rest for a few minutes. My goal is to finish it in 1:35:00, which makes out to be about 15:00 per mile. That's slightly faster than a walking pace, so here's hoping I can make it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Couch to 5k: W6D1

Bleh, I had to run on the treadmill today because it was so icky outside.

It was shorter than my last run by a couple of minutes, so I tried to pick up the pace some and run a little faster than my snail's pace jog. It went as well as expected, and I wasn't even winded much when my last 5 minute run ended.

The next one should be more fun, hopefully I'll get to the track for that.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Couch to 5k: W5D3


I went 20 minutes without stopping! Well, ok. That's a lie, I stopped for < 10 seconds while waiting for a stoplight.

I used my playlist to break up the run into 4 manageable segments, so I knew where I was in the run. During the first segment ("Heart of a Champion"--Nelly) I kept telling myself that if at the halfway point I was dying, then I could stop and walk for a minute. But, halfway came and went ("That's Not My Name"--The Ting Tings) and I was still going, and even feeling pretty good. During the third song ("B.O.B."--Outcast), I was beginning to think that I could actually finish it. After that, it was just a matter of knowing it was almost over for me to keep moving through the last song ("'Till I Collapse"--Eminem (a great ending song, btw)).

I'm pretty sure I didn't go 2 full miles, there was no way I was running at a 10:00 pace. Nike+ said it was around 11:30 or so, but I still haven't calibrated, so I think it's closer to 12:00/mile. Oh well. I ran for 20 minutes straight!

This is a huge milestone for me. Up till now I've been dependent on the C25k program to guide me, but I'm seeing the end of it and the beginning of the "real" training that will make me a runner.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Couch to 5k: W5D2

Today was another one of those days where I really didn't want to go running, but did anyway and am SO glad I did. this is what I did:
  • Jog 8 min
  • Walk 5 min
  • Jog 8 min
It sounded alot tougher than it actually was. I didn't walk at all when I wasn't supposed to, and really wasn't all that winded. Totally an awesome run.

Day 3 still looks pretty rough, but I'll give it a try. I'm sure I'll have to redo it, but I'll get it eventually.

In other news, I got Wii Fit as a supplement to jogging. I'm loving the yoga and balance exercises, and I was even feeling a little sore this morning after playing for about an hour yesterday.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Couch to 5k: W5D1, redo

So I redid week 5, day 1 today because I kind of copped out last time. I'm glad I did, today was alot better. It was still tough, but I didn't once walk when I wasn't supposed to. I've found that as soon as I focus on how my body is feeling, running gets alot more difficult. When I'm just mentally singing along with my music and watching the sidewalk in front of me I can go farther.

I'm ready for day 2, but day 3 is still pretty daunting. 20 minutes without stopping feels like it'll kick my ass, but I'll trust the plan. I may have to redo day 2, too, but I'll get there.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Couch to 5k: W5D1

Went for week 5, day 1 today at the track. This is what I did:
  • Jog 5 min
  • Walk 3 min
  • Jog 5 min
  • Walk 3 min
  • Jog 5 min
Well, almost. I copped out for about 20 seconds in my last 5 minutes.

It's funny, I "failed" the day in the technical sense, but I really don't feel like I did badly. I pushed myself probably not as hard as possible, but I certainly did more than I have in the past weeks. I still feel good about it, which I think is the most important part of my jogging.

I'll redo day 1 again on Friday before I move on to day 2 (with 2x 8 minutes jogging), and hopefully I wont have to stop when I'm not supposed to.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Couch to 5k: W4D3, D4

I may not have updated in a little while, but I have been running.

Saturday (W4D3) went pretty well, I didn't cop out at all. I think alot of that has to do with using my own music instead of generic podcasts. I finally got around to making my own playlist with shortened songs and sound effects to indicate running/walking. For my two 5 minute walks I've been using Outkast's "Bombs Over Bagdad" and Eminem "'Till I Collapse". Rap has a nice strong beat to jog to, I think I'll be keeping it.

And yesterday was W4D4, a repeat day. I did it on the treadmill because it was stupidly hot outside for it only being 8am. It seemed ALOT easier. Deceptively easier, even. I felt like I could have gone for another few minutes it was so easy. I'll decide tomorrow morning if I want to do week 4 for one more day or move on to week 5.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Couch to 5k: W4D2

Today was... ok. Just ok. I tried a different c25k podcast(Podrunner Intervals) than the one I've been listening to and while the music was ALOT better, it didn't feel as personal as my usual. Podrunner also didn't tell me when I was half done so I could turn around, or tell me when my final runs were almost over. Guess I'll be sticking to my usual podcast until week 6 or so when I can just start setting a timer on my phone and listen to my own music.

I may have to redo a day or two in week 4, I had to stop again for a few seconds today. And week 5 looks daunting enough to make sure I'm totally prepared for it. In another 4 running days I'm supposed to jog for 20 minutes straight? Yikes.

My right shin also hurt alot after this morning. I iced it down with my bag of peas and it seems to be ok, but I might have to take an extra rest day. Bleh. At this rate, I'll barely be able to eke out 2.5 miles at the Human Race in a few weeks.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Couch to 5k: W4D1

I just did my first day of week 4, and it wasn't totally terrible. Here's what I did:
  • Jog 3 min
  • Walk 90 sec
  • Jog 5 min
  • Walk 2.5 min
  • Jog 3 min
  • Walk 90 sec
  • Jog 5 min
I had to stop for about 20 seconds toward the end of the last 5 minute run, but overall I feel like it was a success. It was my first time running for 5 minutes straight without feeling like I was going to die. I didn't push myself as hard as I could have, hence the 20 second break, but hopefully Wednesday will be different.

When I got back home I discovered a bag of frozen peas hiding in the back of the freezer. Good thing, too. My right shin needed to be iced down, it was pretty sore.

Time for a stretch and shower now, I have alot of homework to do.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Couch to 5k: W3D3

Best run evar!

I was a little wary of today's run, my dad and I went for a long walk (~3mi) with the dog last night and my shins weren't too keen on it. They were a bit sore today so I was considering taking another day off, even though it had been two days since I last ran. I talked myself into running, and I'm sooo glad I did. It was pretty much the best run ever.

Maybe it was because I ate dinner about half an hour before I went, or maybe it was because I focused on my breathing and posture and didn't have to worry about 12-year-old boys outrunning me. Whatever it was I didn't have to work too hard at running, and it felt like the most natural thing to be doing right then. When I finished my last jog (3 min), I was still ready for more. No labored breathing, not much soreness (though the shins are still aching a bit), it was awesome.

I had pasta and veggies for dinner, I think those carbs contributed to it. I may make up a big batch of pasta for breakfast later this week to test my theory.

After my last run, I had my doubts about progressing to week 4, but I'm confident now I can get through it. I'm so ready for it.

OH! Also, I signed up for the Nike+ Human Race 10k on August 31. I wont be done with C25k by then, but since I'm "racing" on my own with my Nike+ Sportband I have a full 24 hours to finish it. Running every other day, I'll be about finished with week 8 by then, and will be at almost 3 miles. 10 kilometers is approximately 6 miles, and I can just tack on a mile and a half to each end of my run. I'm excited about it, I'm going to get an official race day Nike shirt with my bib number next week with my grad moneys.

I *may* even run with my local running store. I was invited when I got my new shoes last week but I shyed away from it. I've never run with other people, and I'm worried I'll suck at it. Well, I'll go back for some new running clothes this month and try to get a feel for the fitness level there. Well, I have time to think about it.